The PNWJETAA steering council consists of four executive officers and an assortment of committee coordinators. For detailed descriptions of all PNWJETAA Steering Council positions, click here. If you are interested in getting involved more in PNWJETAA, we encourage you to come to our monthly meetings and meet the team!
New officers are elected at our Annual Meeting and Bounenkai Celebration held each year in November or December. Learn more about elections and joining the Steering Council.
PNWJETAA 2024 Council Members
Executive Officers
President – Jessica Record
Vice President – Mira Pomerantz
Treasurer – Jeremy Odden
Secretary – Braden Bennight
Steering Council
Community Outreach – Vacant
Compliance Coordinator – Jeremy Odden
Membership Coordinator – Lynn Miyauchi
Newsletter Coordinator – Vacant
Systems Administrator – Janice Laureano
Social Coordinator – Vacant
Transitions Coordinator – Michiko Yoshino
Advisory Board
Cheryl Hou – Current Executive Council Member of JETAA USA and prior President of PNWJETAA & Country Representative of JETAA USA
Adam Ledyard – Current Advisory Board Member of PNWJETAA, and prior President of PNWJETAA
Affiliated Groups (non-voting)
Book Club – Casey Mochel
Description of Positions
Executive Officer Positions
Overall leadership and direction of PNWJETAA; chair chapter meetings; main contact with National and International organizations; be chapter liaison for JETAAUSA; attend regional conferences; attend annual National Conference if no other delegate can be selected.
Vice President
Support leadership and direction of PNWJETAA; guidance and execution of events; create year in review at Annual Meeting, facilitate President’s role when President is absent.
Treasurer (minimum two-year commitment)
Plan and execute annual operating budget requests from both CLAIR (Council of Local Authorities for International Relations) and MoFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs); reconcile receipts from chapter activities; submit budget reports as required; attend annual National Conference if no other delegate can be selected.
Attend and record minutes for note chapter meetings; work closely with Media Relations, Social Coordinator and Community Outreach to provide public relations support in chapter communications and web support; advocate proper archival of PNWJETAA information at all levels.
As a board, in addition to the duties listed above, each member is expected to: Plan and attend chapter meetings, assign representatives to attend National Conference, remain current on chapter initiatives and projects, and represent the chapter at public events.
Officer Positions
We also have the following committees. These positions are great for multiple people to share and work on together, and a good way to get involved if you’re new to the area!
Compliance Coordinator
Responsible for making sure that all of the association’s published materials are in compliance with copyright laws and regulations established by the governing bodies of our association.
Newsletter Coordinator
Compile annual newsletter, coordinate newsletter production, actively contribute articles to both newsletter and web page, and solicit material from JETAA members, officers and current JET participants.
Systems Administrator
Manage and maintain the PNWJETAA website and all social media platform accounts, ensuring content is up-to-date and aligns with the PNWJETAA goals and branding. Troubleshoot and resolve login problems, password resets, and other account-related issues.
Social Coordinator
Facilitate and attend social activities throughout the year such as cultural events, networking happy hours or dinners, etc.; location scouting; mailing list communications; RSVP coordination, web content contribution.
Transitions (Career Day) Coordinator
Coordinate the overall planning and execution of our annual career day event in October including but not necessarily limited to: venue, guest speakers, menus, seating arrangements, panel participants, and job fair participants.
Research & Development (dissolved effective 2025)
Research, develop, and document ways to improve current and future operations of the Association. Projects can include researching local organizations for culture collaboration, documenting recurring Association activities, surveying PNWJETAA members to improve events, and more.