JCCCW Online Japanese Summer Camp

This year, for the first time ever, JCCCW will offer Summer Camp via Zoom. Each day of camp will be around 2 hours and the campers will learn introductory Japanese language skills as well as participate in a variety of Japanese cultural activities such as martial arts, dance, manga, craft and games and much more! This summer camp is perfect for students who want an introduction to the Japanese language and the opportunity to learn more about Japanese culture. Online registration is now open!

For Youth 7- 11 years of age

Dates: August 10-14

Time: Approximately 2 hours between 9 am and 12:05 pm PDT*

Cost: $150 ($135 for JCCCW/NHAW members) 

For Youth 12 – 16 years of age

Dates: August 17-21

Time: Approximately 2 hours between 12:30 pm and 3:35 pm PDT*

Cost: $150 ($135 for JCCCW/NHAW members)

*There will be two separate classes per age group, and one class will have 10 campers. Each class will have a different time schedule. 

For more details and to register, please visit https://www.jcccw.org/japanese-summer-camp

今夏JCCCW では新型コロナウィルスの流行に対応し、オンラインでサマーキャンプを開催することになりました。初歩の日本語の授業と、空手や漫画の描き方、踊り、ゲームなどの楽しい体験授業を行います。申し込みは6月8日(月)から受け付けております。日程は年齢別に以下の通りで1クラスの定員は10名です。

7~11歳:8月10~14日 午前9時~午後12時05分の間の約2時間(太平洋夏時間)*

12~16歳:8月17~21日 午後12時30分~3時35分の間の約2時間(太平洋夏時間)*


費用:子供一人当たり$150 (JCCCW/NHAWメンバーは$135)

